It Feels Like a New Year Well! It feels so long ago that I've written, even though it hasn't even been 6 months. So many events have happened this summer and this year alone, that while I think I've been creating more and doing daily creative things, I have put some things to the side. Though that is not necessarily a bad thing. While this year has been particularly long and painful, I have dug into learning. Learning about white supremacy and racism. Relearning history. Learning even more about myself and my surroundings. Just recently has blogging gained my attention again. One, because of this new art project I've been figuring out. Two, because of Austin Kleon (hence the link above). The new art project involves more research on my part because I want to call attention to these people for specific reasons. I want to take what I have learned in the past few months and share it with others. Art ...