
Showing posts from February, 2011

The Panel

Today was one of those days where you feel almost  invincible. You know everything in the world, and you suddenly become aware of all your surroundings. Though life ahead is scary, you find that one point where everything becomes comfortable.  There are those people who tell you the truth upfront, and even though it's painful,  it is also reassuring.  So here I am, at the end of the day, sitting tall, and feeling good about all the things I have  learned.

Since I Am Apparently NOT Going to Bed or Doing Homework...

Here I am trying to get away from everything, and I find myself doing the exact same thing as if I would be staying: nothing. There seems to be so many things going on-both good and bad as always. More good than bad, but that doesn't mean I stop thinking about everything else.  I have felt the need to write something the past couple of days, so here I am writing, instead of being accomplished or sleeping for once in my life when everything is quiet. The problem is, the quiet also brings more thoughts, and more time for thoughts because they aren't meddled beneath the sound of chaos. Things are clean and not so bothersome. I only have me. Me and my thoughts. I've realized that I have become more tired and worn, only to things I once never seemed to care about, or even notice for that matter. When suddenly, I am on my own and realizing that sometimes those comments do hurt. What am I to do about them? I haven't really done anything about them my whole life. So...