
Showing posts from February, 2012

Do What You Love

Paul Graham. Well said. Click on the title for the link. 


These are posters I have helped design/create for a couple of Studio Theater productions.  Thanks to my friends who asked me to use my artistic abilities to help them! 

A Commission

I got my first commission the other day.  Everyone is excited for me.  The problem is, I am more nervous than excited right now.  I am also stressed about it.   It seems that I just added on yet another project to my list of never ending projects.  No matter that there really is no deadline.  Just to list them (for my sake as well right now) Illustration: have only done 1 project so far, and working on thumbnails/forming out ideas for the next "three", plus my commission sketch Animation:  have turned in about 10 assignments (each one a sort of 'mini' project or tutorial. About to do a major scene and animation proposal for this weekend. Drawing: have done about 5 projects in class time, have spent about 3 hours on the independent project (which will consist of 4 large pieces) Painting:  the 2 independent credits I have I have hardly worked on besides painting a canvas and finally buying materials and drawing out the map!  Printmaki...


Lesson of the day: time passes a lot faster when you want it to go slower.  This is obvious information- I mean "time flies when you're having fun." But it is already February.  FEBRUARY.  Just a couple days ago seems to be January.  I can not believe it. 

Taking on the World Today

Am I coming on way too strong If I scared you off, never meant nobody Who had me from the first hello Then oh, you really got me going I’m working on a brighter day I hope I don’t scare you away Let me give you some free advice Never listen to a word I say Because I’m taking on the world today You’re by my side it helps to be crazy Taking on the world today Hey hey Hey hey I might have showed up a little too late But my car broke down on the interstate That’s cool I got some time on my plate Feeling kind of good I hope you relate Feels good cause I can see The world's gonna twist another way for me On its axis, I can’t ask this of you If I could would you come too? We're taking on the world today You're by my side it helps to be crazy Taking on the world today Don’t you ever get tired of being so lazy Taking on the world today Slow down the pace, life is amazing Taking on the world today Hey hey All we do is run around in circles We just...