
Showing posts from March, 2013


The next exhibit to come in April! Look for more details soon!


Pretty soon I am going to work on creating some characters. What I want you to do is give me some ideas! So come up with: gender height/weight 2 character traits Then send them to me, and I will try to illustrate it!

The Art World

"The art world is a punishing culture.  It never feels as if you have done enough, achieved enough, and networked enough.  The wonderful aspect of a creative life is its open0ended nature, yet this lack of closure can drive you to exhaustion.  All too often success is met with more stress.  YOu expect more of yourself and push yourself even harder.  Working like this will exhaust you physically, emotionally, and creatively.  You need to establish a system of rewards for small and big tasks completed.  Nothing is too small to celebrate.  Don't skimp with yourself.  Take pleasure in a job well done.  Sprinkle small rewards throughout a day.  Take a restorative moment.  Check to make sure you are taking time off from everything each week." ~Jackie Battenfield  The Artist's Guide  "You aren't going to get a solo show because of it, but if someone is thinking of the many artists whose work they saw that they thi...

Bright Things in the Future

Upcoming Events that I am excited about: A wine and paint session with my best friend. (Which will also accomplish my goal!!) Two musicals which I plan on seeing. A scavenger hunt at the mall with friends. St. Patty's day SPRING! All of these will I'm sure bring more inspiration and life to my upcoming studio work.

Serendipity Bistro

There is less than one month left to go see my artwork at  Serendipity Bistro 25 S. St. Clair St. in downtown Dayton!! So go see it and go eat some great food. Even get wine and dessert.  You deserve it. :) And since I don't think I have advertised this yet,  one of my pieces (Meka) will be showing March 30th in downtown Dayton as well  for SWAN Day! (Support Women Artist's Now)

Another Commission!

So I have now finished 2 commissions (you'll find out about 1 later). And I am currently working on my 3rd one.  I am hoping to get this one done by St. Patrick's day or before.  And with the weather getting warmer this weekend, there is a good possibility! So stay tuned for pictures to follow!

New Music So I have recently discovered devinsupertramp on youtube.  And I have been posting his videos A LOT recently.  But I am posting one link here because the music that goes with most of his videos  (or a lot of them anyway), is quite AWESOME.   I usually don't listen to this type of music, but this is too darn catchy and upbeat. Definitely will be good to listen to as I make some more art.