
Showing posts from October, 2013

4 of 7...sidetracked...

I had this great new idea today!  What if I painted/drew my own Christmas cards?!  I may just be adding to my pile of work, but I think I want to give it a shot.  So in the spirit of the 12 days of Christmas, I will paint 12 Christmas cards! Again, this will be first come, first serve!

3 of 7

To all of my college professors:  I hope you are not/will not be offended by the prices of the art pieces I will be selling.   I am trying to put my name out more, as well as getting rid of some artwork that has just been sitting around my house for a few years.  I am doing a fall/winter cleaning as I move out into a new apartment. I wanted to let you know that all I have learned at the University of Dayton has been amazing!  And all of you have shaped me into the artist I am today.  I am so thankful for that. :)

2 of 7

Remember this?   Well, since this is technically not on my "catalog," I'm posting it now.  This will be on sale for $15!!  Unless you feel the need to pay more.  Yes, I hand-carved it. Yes, I painted it. Yes, it did take a long time to make. And yes, I am selling it. If I don't sell it, I will be trying to donate it. It is roughly 5'6" H x 2' 6" W x 10" D. I will try to get some better pictures of it and post them later.

1 of 7

This is the first of 7 things to know before you decide you can/can not pick out artwork?  I have been thinking of some things that will probably be important for handfuls of you.  We will see if I actually get to 7 of them... For all of you who are out of town or out of the country:  YOU CAN STILL PARTICIPATE!  If you contact me saying you want to buy a piece, we can/will work out the details of getting that art to you!  So that being said, I hope more of you will pick out something! 

November 7th

is the date I will be releasing the list of all the discounted items!  I chose this date because it is either right before a pay day or the week after.  So you can have time to set money aside or get paid the next day!  I have changed it up a bit. Most will be in the price range of $5-$50, but I will also bring some other ones down to $100.  They may or may not be some of the more popular items.  SO KEEP AN EYE OUT!  IT WILL BE FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. PLAN ON LETTING ME KNOW BY TEXT/CALL/EMAIL. I will still check facebook, but I probably won't really pay attention/remember. 


BIG SALES TO COME!!  I'm discounting many (or what seems like many to me) of my pieces for Christmas this year! They will be priced $5-$50. Much more affordable don't you think? SO if you are having trouble thinking of gifts to get people, I am here to help! (hopefully) ALSO I'm still available for any commissions. Feel free to keep that in mind.

Scott and Brendo 

September Sketches


Making Art More Than A Hobby

Even though I have a degree in Fine Arts, and even though I am an artist, I don't work on art everyday.  I had this thought a long time ago that after college/after my degree, I would always be working on art somehow.  And drawing everyday would be a habit for me.   The real news: that doesn't happen.  With anything for that matter.  I have been stretching just about every night for the past 8 years or so.  But it hasn't happened EVERY NIGHT.  Though I may have habits, I have this thing called laziness.  So does everyone else.  Some days I am busier than others, and don't get to stretch.   What my point is: even professionals get bored and hate their work at some point.  I knew this before, but going through this whole experience brings it to a new light.   So how do I get myself to come back to it?  Living.  Being in new environments.  Friends.  Family.  Music.  Nature.  I find all my i...