
Showing posts from September, 2019

30 Goals: Coffee Shops

This goal was to visit five new coffee shops on the list of "30 best coffee shops" or something to visit. While I have made it to two or so new ones on the list, I have been to countless others that are not on the list at all. Which is fine, because the coffee industry is growing every day! (And this list is now at least 3 years old). So I guess I should probably look up a more recent list to see how many have changed. In the meantime, some shops I have visited since 2017... Café Olé in Annapolis Ride Home in Worthington La Gota (in its brief appearance) in Dayton Coava and 2 others I forgot the name of before writing them down in Portland, OR Addicted in Cleveland Awakenings and La Terza in Cincinnati Cafe Apropos in Columbus (also before they closed) 42nd and Lawrence and Sir Walter Coffee in Raleigh St. Anne the Tart and Wholly Grounds (2 newer ones) in Dayton Blue Bottle and others in NYC (just realizing how many I haven't written down...😮) and so many ...