HP News!
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/28/emma-watson-gushes-about-_n_886264.html http://www.seventeen.com/entertainment/features/emma-watson-seventeen-cover-august-2011 http://www.popeater.com/2011/03/31/daniel-radcliffe-broadway-review/ http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1641782/rupert-grint-dishes-on-harry-potter-epilogue-his-ice-cream-truck.jhtml I had to post all of these. I found myself laughing at each one. Reasons: 1. Of course Emma would have a crush on Tom Felton. Have you seen him not as Draco? 2. Emma is also adorable, and it's seems to be funny how she didn't really want to be famous, and now she's on a million and one covers talking about fashion. 3. It's also really funny how each of these actors are trying so hard to be known as something other ...