
Showing posts from June, 2013


Can't forget to include these pictures.  I also finished both of these in April/May.  

May-Month of Madness

So what have I been doing lately?  Well between working, arting, sleeping, and eating, I have been very busy.  All of the above pictures were from the month of May.  There was a fantabulous wedding ceremony, the welcoming of this little guy, James, and a crazy outing with these kids.  

Poem Preview

"Music is a reflection of self, we just explain it." Let me give you some free advice: never listen to a word I say.  |  I have been searching all of my days, and the days keep turning into nights.  |  I've got all these thoughts just floating through my brain.  They bump and the collide and cause a flurry of confusion.  |  I need to pour out this expensive dose of words.  |  The problem was what I couldn't avoid.  |  Memories seep from my veins.  |  It makes me smile just thinking about those days down south.  |  I'm alive, so alive.  |  It's a nice day when you wake up in Disneyland.  |  I wake up to the sound of music.  The whole poem consists of lyrics from over 100 different artists. And there are 140 lyrics.  All on one 8.5" x 11" page.  Yeah.  It's going to be awesome.  See picture from previous entry for a sneak peek. 

September Show?

Keep an ear out for more information!  I may have a show coming up this September!  I'm also working to get a lot of new pieces done, so it won't be the 'same good ol' art' you have probably already seen!

Progress is Better Than Nothing

Finally getting further along on projects.  The top is the "musical poem"-the one that I have been collecting lyrics for since January- is finally making its way to the scratchboard!  I think it will turn out well.   The second picture is a gouache painting of a small boulevard.  I fell in love with the colors of the picture and I am trying to recreate the feeling I get from looking at it.  I have also been working on a small "fire series."  There are 4 pieces (looking at pictures for 2 of them and using more imagination/line quality for the other 2).  Hopefully I can get them to a level where I first imagined them being.  I may or may not have a few other projects in the making... because I can't just work on ONE piece at a time.