Poem Preview

"Music is a reflection of self, we just explain it."

Let me give you some free advice: never listen to a word I say.  |  I have been searching all of my days, and the days keep turning into nights.  |  I've got all these thoughts just floating through my brain.  They bump and the collide and cause a flurry of confusion.  |  I need to pour out this expensive dose of words.  |  The problem was what I couldn't avoid.  |  Memories seep from my veins.  |  It makes me smile just thinking about those days down south.  |  I'm alive, so alive.  |  It's a nice day when you wake up in Disneyland.  |  I wake up to the sound of music. 

The whole poem consists of lyrics from over 100 different artists. And there are 140 lyrics.  All on one 8.5" x 11" page.  Yeah.  It's going to be awesome.  See picture from previous entry for a sneak peek. 


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