
Showing posts from November, 2013

Photographs for Sale!

And there will be more to come! Finally changed these to JPEGs, so here you go! Black Box Costume Room Green Room Pick-Pocket Stage Crew View Stage Crew View II

Sales Until the Holiday!

Just a reminder that these sales will be going until December 31st! I am still working on converting the pictures to JPGS so I can put them online for all to see! Only 4 are called for, so there are plenty more to go!

Sales List!

Title/Dimensions Original Price SALE Illustration Flying Dog        15" x 12.5" $220 $10 2  Sam the Snowboarder  6" x 6" $225 $25 3  Through the Glass    17.5"  13" $175 $10 4  Hair                         23" x 17" $100 $10 5 R.I.C.E.  $50 $10 Painting Dracula vs. Frankenstein 33"x20" $250 $100                  7 Romulus                     12" x 9" $185 $100                  8 A.T. Event                 20.5" 48" $210 $100                  9 Paperbags and...

Some Errors

So as I was working on adjusting prices and updating pictures for tomorrow, I have run into some problems.  A lot of my photographs are in PDF format and cannot be uploaded onto my website. They are all on sale for $50 though!  Yeahhh

6 and 7 of 7

Didn't quite get to 7 posts before I will be posting the list.   So last minute things to know: I will post a list of the title, size, previous price, and discounted price here on my blog. I know that anyone looking at the list most likely won't be able to match the title to the artwork, but I thought a list would be a concise way of displaying what I have on sale. But along with the list, I will obviously changing the prices on my website: I will also be putting the corresponding numbers (1-58) from the list here to the matching pieces on the site.  Meaning, if you work backwards, or think in words instead of pictures, you can read all of the titles first and then go to the site. However it works for you! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me before tomorrow!

5 of 7

3 more days!!! not many updates to give...