more writings and a quote

A Memory

A binder broken and bent
A bookbag tasseled and torn
Some shreds of paper scattered
A desk turned over with pieces of bright neon gum on the underside
Some empty bookshelves off to the side
One two-bladed ceiling fan
A chalkboard with a faint trace of erased word,

Funny, an empty classroom,
A lost and forgotten scene,
Still represents the traces lost.
Those once were known.
Then a wrecking ball comes to wipe it all away
Now it is just a memory.

A memory.


Thoughts like ping pong balls
Tears at the back of the throat
A tight mouth with an overturned lip,
Trembling, trying to hide everything.
Silent pangs of desperate breath taken,
But no cry is heard.
Lost in the rush of life,
A deep breath is taken.
The lip loosens,
Tears are swallowed
And life slows down.

Photography article: I believe that, through the act of living, the discovery of oneself is made concurrently with the discovery of the world around us, which can mold us, but which can also be affect by us. A balance must be established between these two worlds-the one inside us and the one outside us. As the result of a constant reciprocal process, both these worlds come to form a single one. And it is this world that we must communicate.


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