
Showing posts from July, 2010

Modern Nature

So I'm very lacking on updating. Trust me, things have been busy. And when I finally realized that we start school again in about 3 weeks, I realized how much I still haven't done!! Though painting the house has been more than a side detail the past two weekends, so it's been occupying me. But when it's finished I'll put pictures up on facebook.  Anyway... I've started on some monologue ideas, and then I realized that they're supposed to be about gender issues.. so here are the ones I started with just to get ideas going. ..hah! Feel free to take any ideas and run with them for anything else! These are just for fun reading and thinking if you would like to do so... At least one point in our lives, we all wish that we could be cloned to help deal with everything that goes on in our crazy lives.  Or like Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes), just want to a clone (or many clones) to go to school and do our chores for us.  Shopping seems to becoming more of a h...

More than your average everyday painting...

So you may be wondering about my latest adventure...   Well, it was a very interesting one indeed. Painting the body is as easy as it sounds! I even looked up precautions of what to do before painting yourself.  ...But that was the easy part. I was prepared for everything except the cleaning up stage.  I had never really had much problem with acrylic paint before, besides that little stubborn bit that never leaves the sides of your fingernails.  But apparently it is somewhat difficult to clean off, especially the more hair you have. As I have now learned, it is not all fun and games when it comes down to removing the paint from your skin. So take heed and learn! And gosh darn, do some more research before doing it! hah!  (Hence the link...that is only the beginning of the other story). But we are all good and clean now, one with maybe a few memory pain scars. Either way it was all good and fun, and we were able to get some pictures with a few random...

Random Assortments

Some fun music to listen to while chilling on the computer. (I swear it is NOT country either even though the beginning instrumental sounds like it).  Hopefully more fun pictures and updates to hit soon! This past weekend was busy and this coming weekend looks busy as well...  Hope you are enjoying yourselves wherever you may be and that the cloudy days bring lots of good reading. 

QC quotes

So finally giving you some awesome quotes from an awesome webcomic! (They are from older ones, haven't updated too much... oops. But I hope you enjoy them all the same, or at least get addicted to the comic yourself!)   * Quick, placate the other patrons with your rosy cookie gases!-#73 * I just imagined you with a white-trash ‘stache and it made me very very sad. -#76 * Flavors of the day: latte with bourbon-flavored syrup, fried egg mocha, shot of espresso and a punch in the mouth. -#82 * Vodkoffee! latte of DOOM -#101 * “In Soviet Russia, cake mixes you!” -#145 * Damn, either my lie-dar isn’t working or Dora has been replaced by her alternate universe twin, who is also a nun.   An entire alternate universe of nuns! The Nuniverse! -#230 * Our culture doesn’t get smarter, it just finds new ways of being retarded. -#239 * When talking about human experience, it all comes back around to poopin’ eventually. -#270 ...

I'm a big nerd

So today at work, as I re-shelved books, I stumbled upon about 200+ Greek and Latin books.  These included dictionaries and just about anything about the language! I thought that was awesome! And those were only the books in the "linguistic" section of the library! I know we have tons more. So now I'm tempted to look through them and see how much I can read. Haha!  Also, one of the books in particular which I thought was funny is shown in the link. Yeah, that's right. So epic. 

What you have all been waiting for...

A lot of thoughts have p        a        s         s         e       d by  while the days blur together, memories are made and held on to. Past experiences are conflicting with present day wanderings And the mind bursts with flames of all different colors, never picking a favorite - which is okay for now.  But worries and hopes and prayers are lost together outside  the realm of reality.  They float and fly with little cares  for future destinations.  Hah! How are we able to decide anything in this world? Except to decide what to hold on to and what to let go of? Will we all move on or will we be stuck in what is a lie just to make ourselves feel better? Can we distinguish the lies from the truth? Or does it even really matter in the end? What really matters i...


So here it finally is!! This is the art project I have been working on for our house next year. They are all wood with acrylic paint. The first one is about 20" x 2" and the rest are about 8" x 8".  All of them have lyrics from different songs on them (Hence, the songs you picked out). I thought it would be cool for each of us to have one, and then it can be just another thing to decorate the house! I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long.  (Can you match the lyrics and song with the person??) [Btw, I laughed hysterically about the musical when I first read about it. And I thought you might enjoy it as well. Because I still don't know why they would ever make this a musical. But anywho, I'd probably still go see it].