
Showing posts from December, 2012

New Favorite Hobby

Today, I had a few hours between my two jobs.  So while I ate my lunch, I began to look at the people around me (not that creepily however) and make up stories for them.  I would interpret how they were eating and sitting and try to figure out their personality and figure out what they were doing with their day.   So for example, there was a young man, probably in his mid-twenties, wearing a suit and tie, and sitting near the window looking out between bites of his sandwich. In my mind he became a young entrepreneur, still learning about his new job that he got.  Was trying to relax and get away on his lunch break while wishing he could just go home to see his friends/not wanting to be here working in this crappy weather.  He doesn't have a girlfriend yet, but does like a girl he has been hanging out with recently.  Etc, etc...  Even just by doing this with the few people I saw at lunch today, I think it opened my awareness to others' composur...

A week!

About a week until I can post pictures of everything I have been working on!!! Get excited!

Flogging Molly

Flogging Molly in Columbus So awesome.  I have many more pictures, but these are some of the best. 

Big Damn Band

Opening band to Flogging Molly.  SO EXCITING.  Plus, notice the three different guitars Rev. Peyton has.  One is a homemade cigar box guitar.  He also plays fingerpicking style-meaning that his thumb plays bass, and his fingers play the melody.   Breezy plays washboard, and after the show she set it on fire and then smashed it into the stage. They play Blues/Rock Country style of music.  And it is wonderful.  Recommend checking them out for sure: They have quite a few CD's out already too.

Andrew Wyeth

"I dream a lot.  I do more painting when I'm not painting. It's in the subconscious." -Andrew Wyeth This is probably way too true for me.  Meaning, that I haven't gotten around to painting as much... hoping to change that soon. 


So you may be asking, where is all of the art?  Where are the pictures and relevant posts?  Well, they are on their way.  I know I keep saying that, but I am working very hard to figure things out and get stuff done.  Plus, with most of them being Christmas presents, I don't want to put pictures up.  As for art related posts, the days come and go.  And my ideas run thin sometimes...   On the bright side, I am starting to follow the schedule of updating every other day!  So while I am here coming up with excuses for why I'm not posting art stuff, you should be out Christmas shopping, spreading good cheer, and getting together with family and friends!

Cheery Family Christmas Cookie Baking

One of my favorite days of the year.  And it has been continually expanding.   Every year, my family and I get together for one whole day and just bake all of our Christmas cookies.   From what I can remember, it started with me and sometimes my mom going to my grandma's house and helping her bake cookies.  A few years down the road, after one particularly full with overflowing dessert Christmas, we decided we should cut back on some of our cookies.  Each family was making about the same ones, but we were eating less and less of them.   So we decided that next year we would just make them altogether.   Next year rolls around: my grandma, my mom, my aunt, two of my cousins, and I baked many dozens of cookies, stored them in tins, and we were finished for the holiday season!  It was so much fun.  We played Christmas music and tasted cookie dough all day.   This year it was our fifth year doing it I believe.  This time, for abo...

Shout Out to Adam Ellis, mostly. Another GREAT blog.  It is not updated regularly, but when he does update, it is always guaranteed that you will be lol-ing for real.  He always knows how to take real life and make it into a greater story, or to say what everyone is usually thinking, and illustrate it to a higher and more extreme scale.  That is true talent.  I also want to try this more often whenever I go people watching now.  And yes, all artists go people watching.  We like to observe.  And while I am doing another shout out, I thought I should include a post from Muddy Colors again.  Muddy Colors is probably my favorite blog to get art updates and to learn many new things.  It serves as my art class of the day kind of blog. I hope you fully enjoy both of these.  Now go out and read more webcomics! (Or any c...

The Voice

To stray a little to vocals and music... The Voice is now going into the final four singers/artists starting next Monday.  I am sad to say that this week, I lost 2 of my favorites on the show this season:  Amanda and Melanie.  BUT that does not mean it is over yet.  I encourage you to watch the rest of the season just to see how amazing these people are.  For now...

Fun Fact!

Did you know that Norman Rockwell divorced his first wife in January 1930, and married his second wife in April 1930 ?

Dumb Ways to Die You might have already seen this video.  But it is very catchy with some good and colorful animation!