Life As We Know It

This past month I have been learning more about myself.  I find new struggles and challenges to deal with, deal with them in bouts of avoidance and then determination.  I started rereading all of the Harry Potter books (since I have all 7 and it's been awhile), and feel like I haven't done much else with my down time.  Now fall seems to be upon us all of a sudden, T.V. shows are returning, football has started, and my body is saying, let's stay in bed all day and do nothing again!  But my brain is fighting rigorously to control my sudden urge to be lazy.  I almost wish I had classes to return to to get my butt in gear again. 

Instead of fretting though, here are 5 good things I have started doing so far:

1.  Walking in the morning, outside.  Instead of trying to force myself to write everyday (to help my creative conscious), I have decided to go for a morning walk.  I do not take my ipod with me either!  It helps wake me up and get my day started.  
I feel less lazy and more productive by 8:30/9am.  
I usually have more energy to tackle projects.
I spend less time on the computer (this hasn't happened everyday yet though...).

2.  I have not gotten addicted to T.V. yet.  I read again during breakfast and do not sit in front of the tube for hours before realizing I need to eat before going to work. 

3.  I spend more time trying to learn something new. 

4.  I have actually continued and really enjoy creating characters on the back of my old business cards.  Some of them I hate, some I love.  But I can already see an improvement since I have started doing this about 5 or 6 months ago.

5.  I already have ideas and plans to start Christmas cards and artistic wedding gifts (for next year)!  Maybe I won't get so behind.  I also am starting a year-long art project and have actually planned out tasks for each month-up to December right now.   Yeah.

This being said, don't give up and surrender to the weather!  Embrace the time you still have to be outside without a winter coat.  And I will try to keep posting hopeful and creative blog posts to keep both of our spirits up! 

Let us begin a new chapter...  


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