Looking for Grad Schools


I started looking at grad schools recently because I wanted to actually check them out while I have time and I'm not worried about several other things. Apparently I thought this would be just as easy as picking out colleges, since for me, I knew what I want to do.  And I still do!  It's just where I should go and what is the best route to take for me that I have to decide.  I'm sure many of you have already experienced this when you had to look for colleges.  Except that a lot of you probably didn't know exactly what you wanted to do.  Now I feel your pain.  Not that it's a pain really, I am enjoying looking at all the amazing stuff that colleges have to offer! (If you think I'm joking, check out the link--though this is just a two year college for an Associates degree. I was kinda sad when I found that out).

So I have a current list of about 20 schools to look at.  Right now I'm very open to the location, but I think going East Coast would be fun. Like Pennsylvania, New York, or Maryland or something.  (Trying as hard as I can to stay away from cities. Or at least look to see if I can live outside the city or at least on the outskirts. ...we'll see how that goes).  But looking at all of them is making me more indecisive!  I'm not exactly sure what I would need to do or get my Masters degree in. What I really want to do is just talk to John Lassater and say, "Hey, how can I get you to notice me? Or, how can I impress you so I can eventually get a sweetawesome (yes, sweetawesome) job?"  Ha!  If only things were that easy sometimes...

All I can do right now is keep working...

So I'm progressing slowly, but I can already tell this is going to be a long and somewhat painful process...
If you have any ideas or suggestions, I would be happy to hear from you!

Otherwise, this is just another post for you to read and another link to follow.

Hope you enjoyed yourself on this wonderful supertastic day!


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