Shout out to Hastings and Clark

I have finally got the chance to catch up on comics, and Dr. McNinja was the first one I went to of course.  It is not everyday that one runs into a webcomic about ninjas, dinosaurs, and King Radical, and also has a good story to tie them altogether.  I do not remember exactly when I ran into this comic, but it was probably about 3-4 years ago.   Since then it has been on my RSS feed.

I also cannot forget about Clark's own comic-Nedroid Picture Diary.  About the wonderful Reginald and Beartato and their relationship.  (Has also been on my RSS feed for quite some time).

So if you are looking for even more webcomics to add to your list, be sure to add these!  It is well worth the reading, and looking at the styles of artwork. 


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