the ARTIST'S Way
So while I was in Connecticut, I was told about this book called "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. It is supposed to help unleash your creativity and increase motivation, passion, and a scheduled process. At least that has been what I have got out of it so far. I officially "started" doing it this week, and wanted to share a few things...
Creativity is inspiration coupled with initiative.
Despite our culture's well-earned reputation for encouraging instant gratification, we are not encouraged to act decisively upon our creative desires. We are trained to think about them, doubt them, second-guess them. We are trained, in short, to talk ourselves out of committing art or committing to art.
Thinking is not the enemy, but overthinking is.
Build it and they will come.
High art is made by people who have friends and the need to dine on more than inspiration soup.
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