30 Goals: Workout Routine

Well this goal is both accomplished and sort of a bust. I'm terrible at doing anything on a regular routine or schedule. Especially when I try to do it for two people. It's always about the best intentions, but some days...

Like everything, this lasts for a couple of days or weeks before we miss one. Then one becomes two and before we know it we're back to eating ice cream on the couch even when it's 10 degrees outside.

Good things that happened:
Took some new classes
Did youtube yoga
Signed up to a community center (for a month, then we didn't do it for holidays, took a break in January, I became permanent sub for indoor soccer in February, and was about to pay for another month in March, but so glad I didn't now)!
Started stretching again before bed
Winter Mario Kart exercise bets
Some Wii Sports
More hiking and hiking trips
More walking at work for Tim
Better sleep schedules
Less pop, more water

Bad things that happened:
I feel like a slow decline on our healthy eating - it's not the worst, but not as good as I was doing before. Granted I also switched jobs and don't get a choice of fresh salads or hot cooked meals everyday. Salads just aren't always as good or varietal as I used to make them. Oh well.
Less walking and exercise at work for me
Possibly more take out or fast food? Sometimes it's hard to tell, while others I feel like it's the only thing we really eat on weekends when we travel.

Breaking it down now, there are definitely more positives! Maybe I'm just beating myself up about not working out more. But I will always be trying to keep up good habits and fun activities and just fit things in when we can.


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