
Showing posts from 2014

How to Ruin Your Life I haven't written or posted anything in forever.  But this is it.  This is worth posting.  I've had so many thoughts and events and time happen.  Time has happened.  It keeps happening.  And I'm trying so hard to take advantage of it.  Each day another goal added to the list.  "This time it will happen, I will follow through," I say.  But failure happens and success happens.  Life goes on, and we forget.   We forget our passion.  And we are caught in this fast-paced, numb-feeling world.   My favorite paragraph in this article is this: "You ruin your life by desensitizing yourself. We are all afraid to say too much, to feel too deeply, to let people know what they mean to us. Caring is not synonymous with crazy. Expressing to someone how special they are to you will make you vulnerable. There is no denying th...


I haven't discovered a lot of new artists recently.  I am in need of more inspiration! Any thoughts and recommendations?

Life As We Know It

This past month I have been learning more about myself.  I find new struggles and challenges to deal with, deal with them in bouts of avoidance and then determination.  I started rereading all of the Harry Potter books (since I have all 7 and it's been awhile), and feel like I haven't done much else with my down time.  Now fall seems to be upon us all of a sudden, T.V. shows are returning, football has started, and my body is saying, let's stay in bed all day and do nothing again!  But my brain is fighting rigorously to control my sudden urge to be lazy.  I almost wish I had classes to return to to get my butt in gear again.  Instead of fretting though, here are 5 good things I have started doing so far: 1.  Walking in the morning, outside.  Instead of trying to force myself to write everyday (to help my creative conscious), I have decided to go for a morning walk.  I do not take my ipod with me either!  It helps wake me up and get m...

Extended Thank You

Some of you may know already, but for the past 11-12 weeks, I have been reading "The Artist's Way-Walking in This World" by Julia Cameron.  And I have already learned a great deal about myself, my art self, and fueling my creativity.   So for this post, I am extending on one of the "tasks," as well as sharing a tidbit of what I read.  "As artist's, we routinely tap an inner well, and the well is fed by our spiritual condition.  When we have kept our spirit carefully nurtured, the creative water seems to flow easily.  When our spirit is dried out with unacknowledged discouragement, our inner well runs dry."  "As artists, we don't want to be petty, but the truth is, we need  to be.  If we try to 'let go of' a creative slight, we very often simply bury it.  There, tucked neatly into our subconscious, it can do its slow and poisonous work.  Too embarrassed to repeat the 'tiny' comment to a friend on the way out the door fr...

UD Athletic Logo

I had to talk about this, because everyone's (or most everyone's) comments are really getting on my nerves.  These are my thoughts... First, as you noticed in the title, the logo is NOT for the entire UD, it is the new ATHLETIC logo only. So, while most may not like it, you did still go to the "University of Dayton." Which brings me to my second point, Dayton sports teams have *ALWAYS have been referred to as Dayton Flyers, not University of Dayton Flyers.  So why you are even looking for a "U" in the logo is beyond me.  However, if you really need a U, the bottom half of the D is supposed to be the U.   Last but not least, the lines in front of the D is NOT a V.  Think of a plane dear folks.  The decorated tail.  That is what it is.  It stands for "Flyers."  So stop it with this venereal disease crap.  Now, I know I'm in the minority of people who like the logo, but I do not agree with the University's decision to hire out to d...

Art on the Lawn

Art on the Lawn August 9th, 2014 10am-5pm Mills Lawn School Yellow Springs, Ohio Free Admission Come, see, and even buy  original artwork... Made by Sarah Fortener

Coffee Facts

Creativity Calls

You know those times where you feel almost invincible?  It hits that point in the evening-usually right before you want to go to bed.  You feel like you can just accomplish everything on your list.  The time crunch pressure but also relief you feel.  The day has ended, but you are living.  You're using your time wisely.  Finding new inspiration.  Feeling the colors or words or thoughts just run smoothly through your brain.  All worries leave your body and you are able to relax.  To focus.  To breathe.   This is the time.  And then.... you wake up in the morning.   Make the night worth it. 

Pascal Campion Words of Wisdom

"You know, one of the coolest thing about drawing , to me, is not just the fact that you can create new worlds, exciting adventures, and fun characters... it's also when you can recreate a memory. This scene never happened, this dialog, as such, never did, but it's all taken from bits and pieces of my childhood and this image , in a way, is one of the best captures of my relationship with my dad. I see so many artists, especially younger ones, always trying to imitate other artists, always trying to figure out how to draw like them, but so few actually try to create life. People will forget the drawing, but they won't forget the emotion in it if they can feel it. Try this guys.. pick a strong moment of your life, whatever that moment is.. it could be a break up or your first kiss, it could be something that happened with your big brother or your grandpa, the first time you traveled to another country..something that has impacted you, and create  a series of images a...

James I'm posting this here too because I just can't get enough! Just providing more inspiration for figure drawings tonight!

Being an Artist

So many words and quotes are flooding through my brain, and I hope to get them all out.  It is not easy to be creative, even when we are creative "professionals." The next chapter in the book, "The Artist's Way," was discovering a sense of adventure.   Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.  Rather than enjoy the process, we become focused on the result.  An adventure does not need to be large or intense to be adventurous and nutritious for our artist. When we are fixated on getting better, we miss what it is we already are.  To be an artist you must learn to let yourself be.  Stop getting better.  Start appreciating what you are.  Do something that delights you for no apparent reason.  This is not to say you have to "give up" high art.  Instead, I am saying to try "Hi, Art!"  As artists, we have a form of inner power the advisers can never extinguish or ultimately thwart.  And this is always the key.   -Juli...


Light artwork.  It has been challenging, but definitely a lot of fun. 

These Colors

Love Pascal Campion

the ARTIST'S Way

So while I was in Connecticut, I was told about this book called "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.  It is supposed to help unleash your creativity and increase motivation, passion, and a scheduled process.  At least that has been what I have got out of it so far.  I officially "started" doing it this week, and wanted to share a few things... Creativity is inspiration coupled with initiative. Despite our culture's well-earned reputation for encouraging instant gratification, we are not  encouraged to act decisively upon our creative desires.  We are trained to think about them, doubt them, second-guess them.  We are trained, in short, to talk ourselves out of committing art or committing to art. Thinking is not the enemy, but overthinking is. Build it and they will come. High art is made by people who have friends and the need to dine on more than inspiration soup.

American Authors and Emerson Hart

Pictures are long overdue considering this happened in February...oops.

100 Happy Days

As more of my free time comes to an end, the more I enjoy having it.  Why would I not apply enjoying and living in the moment for all other moments?  I enjoy my job(s).  I love being able to create art and make new things everyday.  I love discovering new things everyday.  I love waking up to a fresh new start everyday. Come to think of it, I love life.  And I love living life.   Life is full of ups and downs.  Why not love and accept all of them?  We are told that you cannot understand true happiness until you have experienced or felt sadness.  We cannot understand community until we have been alone.   Embrace all of life.  If it is bad or painful, well the time after that pain will be that much  greater and sweeter.   In this generation/age where we want instant things and emotions, it is hard to see anywhere past the bad parts without trying to ignore them or shut them out.   We should stop tryi...


A new motto. Fail more. If you are failing more, you are also trying more. It can represent that you have overcome a fear. You have learned how to fail and learn from it. From failure can come great success.

Urban Nights

Urban Nights is May 9th!  And David's and mine art will still be up at Serendipity!  Go check it out if you haven't yet.  :)

My Business is to Create

I don't always want to create what people know they want.   I want to create something they can fall in love with.   I want people to fall in love with what I create.  "Find the thing that makes you look like nobody else." "Alone or not, you gotta walk ahead."

Serendipity Bistro Presents

RECEPTION: April 26th 5-9pm All are welcome!!  So tell your friends and family!

Rainy Day

What a better day to spend a rainy day then reading and finding more inspiration. What is your inspiration?

Local Artist

Rosie Huart  It's funny the way life works sometimes.  Only recently, when I went into the Town and Country Fine Art Gallery did I notice and love her work.  Turns out I think I have actually met her/ran into her at Rosewood!  She looks very familiar.  And the best part is, she was a UD grad.  Talk about local inspiration.  She is definitely and successful artist who has traveled and loves Italy and Greece probably more than I do.   Definitely an inspiration to look up to. 

Dr. Atom

Dr. Atom makes sure you always have mass amounts of energy.

Personal Inspiration

Remember that time I sent out fan mail? Well here is my first and only response so far!!! :D A penciled signature from Jennifer Lawrence. I feel like this validates her even more.  I just...  there are no words :)


Really enjoying working on faces again and doing some more figure studies.  Definitely pursuing more of these each month I hope. 

Paintings (from February)

Pulling some inspiration from the Sochi Olympics.

UD Inspired

As most of you have followed these past couple of weeks, UD made it to the Elite Eight in the 2014 March Madness tournament.  You saw all of the doubting articles and very nearly wins.  But between and after the games, you saw the community.  Students and alumni were posting words and hosting parties in celebration.   We may be that "small" local town school, but in heart and spirit, we are much bigger.  I still carry that heart with me.  I remember not just the parties and friends I made there, but the classes, teachers, and fellow students that have inspired me.  That inspiration has kept me going this past month especially.  The positive attitude and the sense of community I felt when everyone came together  again to celebrate.  So though UD's run may be over for this year, we are still in this together. 

Accomplished Goals in March

Though I haven't written in more than a month, March was a big month for me.   Started off productivity by going to a Financial Art class-explaining taxes to artists.   I finished applying to Art on the Commons and Art on the Lawn, as well as applying for "Art in the Evening" in Botkins, Ohio this Friday.   I actually went around to visit the Town and Country art gallery, and gathered some other things for inspiration. I finished (or it is close to being finished) a commission for my parents, and drew almost every day!  Plus, on top of that I put together pieces for the upcoming show at Serendipity Bistro (starting early April). I hope I can continue to push myself like this.  Looking back, March was a pretty darn good month.  And I'm only getting started...

Working From Home

Sounds easy right?  Working from home is too perfect. In fact, it is so much harder than it sounds. The perks? Well, I never have to go outside if I don't want. I get to make whatever projects I want (unless I have a commission I'm working on). I get to watch t.v. and be in pajama's all day if I want. I do not have to set any alarms and I can stay up as late as I want. The downfalls? All the distractions that usually kept me from doing homework, distract me from actually getting stuff done. I have to schedule my free time.  I never realized how hard this was because I always had something else to do, or end dates where I had to actually finish projects and turn them in for a grade. I have to motivate myself.  To get up, to create new projects, to frame/organize my old projects, to find a new community of artists, to sell my work, to make myself look like a professional artist, etc.  The list never ends.  It can be really daunting, especi...

If You Ever Forget...

Today has been unexpected so far.  And it has been wonderful.  This weekend is going to be really busy and a little bit stressful.  Even today, I have a list of places to go, things to do, and people to see (all while trying to find the best route to save some gas).  But as I was eating breakfast and checking the usual social media websites, I kept coming across good articles (or photos).  And I have remembered this place. The place where I feel cozy and inspired.  Where I can see a happy, simple, and quiet side to the world. It's a rare thing, and we often forget about it existing.  I find many things in this place.  And it's nice to have a calm morning before the "storm." So if you're looking for that, maybe take some time for yourself.  Sit and think and relax.  Do something you love for 1 hour.  It will really make you feel better.

New Artist for Inspiration Work/50/0 Saw some of his work while visiting Raleigh. Can't stop looking at it.

Call Me Crazy, But...

This was one of my projects for January! (My other ones will probably take past January considering I just made monthly goals two nights ago...) I wrote letters to these 5 celebrities.  My project: collecting pictures/words/thoughts of other people. Remember those 2 books I had in college? You could write or draw anything you wanted? Well, I want to continue this. Not sure if I will actually get any responses, but it was fun to do!


  If you are still looking for some artwork and only have a little bit of extra money, I can help you out!  Go to my website: ! 

